Sunday, July 22, 2007

2008 Olympic Games Likely To Be Rebroadcasted Via Mobile Handsets

SCC (BEIJING) -- On Sunday, 22 July 2007, SinoCast China released information that on 17 July 2007, Zhou Yi, head of the Olympics Division for China Mobile Communications Corporation, the largest mobile telecom operator in the country, is looking at rebroadcasting the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games via mobile phones. The mobile operator is set to achieve the video hookup via the 3G network and likely to adopt HSPA (high-speed packet access) technology in order to guarantee the fluency and distinctness when users watching TV via mobile phones. This would be the first time that the Olympic Games were broadcasted in this nature and will likely have the effect of guaranteeing a true "Digital Olympics" for Beijing should it occur. This is likely a step in the right direction for China Mobile, since this acquisition will likely cause a major boost in sales for the Mobile Company.

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